
Jake Sullivan on Wiretaps: Trump Can’t Tell ‘Difference Between Truth and Fiction’

‘I think this is an alarming situation and we should take it seriously’
By Grabien Staff


SULLIVAN: "I think the alarming thing about it is that he continues to double and triple down on what is a false claim, a claim that's been debunked by the intelligence community, by Republicans and Democrats on the hill, by everybody other than the White House. So one of two things is true. Either he knows it's wrong and he's lying about a national security issue, in which case it's going to be hard to trust him going forward, or he can't tell the difference between truth and fiction. In a crises that's really going to matter. If you buy into conspiracy theories, if you start believing everything you hear on Fox News and the rubber really hits the road and America's security is at stake and you're sitting in the oval office, you're putting American lives at risk. So I think this is an alarming situation and we should take it seriously." 

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