
Jake Tapper Tells GOP Congressman that Republicans Should ‘Get Over It’ and Choose a Speaker

‘This country needs a speaker’
By Grabien Staff


TAPPER: “This country needs a speaker. This isn’t about, you know, prom king. Like, we need a functioning legislative branch.”

WOMACK: “Yeah, well, that’s the obvious,” Womack replied. “And we’d like to be able to deliver on that. But, we seem to have a hard time understanding that in a narrow majority, where you can only lose four votes – and it may be less than that if your members aren’t here. So, you’re at 217. We got [433] members in the entire House and you gotta get 217. And there is a litmus test. Democrats are not gonna vote for a Republican nominee. That’s the way this process works But you know, if that’s gonna be the case, then you have to get 217 in your own conference and as fractured as it is. And let me tell you, there’s some deep wounds right now. There are some hurt feelings. There are some angry people–”

(Via Mediaite)

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