
James Comer: We Traced the $40,000 Check Joe Biden Received to Hunter Biden’s WhatsApp Message

‘Just a few weeks after that text message, that $40,000 landed in Joe Biden’s pocket’
By Grabien Staff


COMER: "And if you go back to that e-mail that you just put on the screen, Tony Bobulinski — who was also supposed to be in on that deal with CEFC and the Bidens, where Joe Biden was supposed to the get 10% according to Hunter Biden — it matches up perfectly. We traced the $40,000 check that Joe Biden received all the way back to that Whatsapp message where Hunter Biden claimed his father was sitting beside him, where he was shaking down the Chinese operative. That’s where that $40,000 was triggered. We — just a few weeks after that text message, that $40,000 landed in Joe Biden’s pocket after the Bidens laundered it. But that money came from China, further evidence that Joe Biden benefited from his family’s influence-peddling scheme.”

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