
James Rosen to W.H.: With 27 Americans Killed by Hamas, Why Is Biden Relying on Israel to Respond?

‘I can appreciate the sense of urgency in your question’
By Grabien Staff


ROSEN: “Two questions on the Mideast crisis. 20-seven Americans killed is a very large number. That is larger than the number of Americans who were killed by terrorists during our withdrawal from Afghanistan, larger than the number of Americans killed at the USS Cole, larger than the number of Americans killed at Benghazi or beheaded by ISIS. And I believe it’s accurate to say that after all of those events, direct U.S. military action was ordered by the Commander-in-Chief. 20-seven Americans killed. Why is it the posture of the Biden Administration to just let Israel handle this job, in essence, instead of U.S. forces going in and getting the guys that killed our people?”

(Via RealClearPolitics)

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