
Jamie Raskin & Jen Psaki Float Theory GOP Oversight Chair May Have Been ‘Co-Opted By A Foreign Agent’

‘There are real issues that are confronting our people’
By Grabien Staff


PSAKI: "So how concerned are you that James Comer, who's the chairman of the committee, was knowingly, unknowingly, working and co-opted by a foreign arrogant?"
RASKIN: "I am just concerned that the House Oversight Committee which has a very proud history with Congressman Waxman as chair, the great Elijah Cummings of Maryland as chair, is suddenly being compromised in a really serious way. Our legitimacy is being eroded by the tactics adopted by Chairman Comer. They essentially have said, 'We will validate anybody who will say anything about the Bidens,' and, of course, they haven't laid a glove on President Biden. There are real issues that are confronting our people and they are off on this wild goose chase related to Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, and their main witnesses are people who are fleeing justice in America."

(Via Mediaite)

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