
J.D. Vance: Donald Trump Showed up in East Palestine and Joe Biden Never Did

‘It is shameful and disgraceful’
By Grabien Staff


VANCE: "Well, it's shameful and disgraceful, Sean. What happened is that over a hundred days ago, Joe Biden promised that he would visit East Palestine, and he has broken that promise, refused to visit it, and more importantly, Sean, he has refused to actually employ the services of his government to help the people of East Palestine. I was there just a couple weeks ago and let me tell you, people feel abandoned and forgotten because their own government, their own president who promised to show up didn't show up and they really feel it. When you compare what is happening in East Palestine and Maui, you see a guy who promised, he ran for president saying that he would bring decency and empathy back to the Oval Office. Well, Donald Trump showed up in East Palestine and Joe Biden never did, and he has not showed up anywhere else either. I wish this guy would just stay in his bunker and leave people alone. But if he is going to pretend to be the head of our government, he ought to get out there and do his job."

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