
Jeffress to GOP: We Are Mad as H-E-L-L; Quit Obstructing Trump’s Agenda

‘The reason evangelical Christians voted for this president by the largest margin in history was because of his commitment to appoint conservative justices and judges to the court who will protect the values we care about’
By Grabien Staff


JEFFRESS: "They absolutely do. The reason evangelical Christians voted for this president by the largest margin in history was because of his commitment to appoint conservative justices and judges to the court who will protect the values we care about. Religious liberties. The sanctity of life. And the president is doing his job. He has dominated dozens of judges to the federal court but those nominations are being blocked by the republican-controlled Senate, namely Mitch McConnell and his adherence, to the arcane rules and I’m calling tonight on every Kristin in conservative to pick up the phone and call Mitch McConnell, Bob corker and the rest of this do nothing Republican establishment and tell them we are mad as h-e-l-l. Stop obstructing this president’s agenda."

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