
Jen Psaki: ‘We Don’t Make Concessions to Terrorists’ Except for the Bowe Bergdahl Swap

‘We don’t leave our men and women behind. We took steps to bring him home’
By Grabien Staff

CAMEROTA: "Let's bring in State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki for more. Good morning."
PSAKI: "Good morning, Alisyn."
CAMEROTA: "Nice to see you, Jen." 
PSAKI: "Good to see you." 
CAMEROTA: "What can you tell us about the status of these Japanese and Jordanian hostages this morning?" 
PSAKI: "Well, we are watching closely just like you are, just like many people around the world are. I think as important friends, allies, partners of the United States, our hearts and minds are with the people of Japan, the people of Jordan. But this is an incredibly fluid and incredibly sensitive information -- situation. So, I can't predict at this point in time what's going to happen. I don't know if anyone can." 
CAMEROTA: "Why do you object to the Jordanian government attempting this deal with ISIS?" 
PSAKI: "Well, first of all, I think that's an overstatement. Our view and our position as the United States government is that we don't make concessions to terrorists. Now, there are certain circumstances, and you've been talking a little bit about Bowe Bergdahl this morning, where he was a member of the military, someone who had volunteered to serve his country and we don't leave our men and women behind. We took steps to bring him home." 

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