
Jennifer Rubin: Failing to Remove Donald Trump from the Ballot Devalues the 14th Amendment

‘And it devalues the entire Constitution’
By Grabien Staff


RUBIN: “It does, and it devalues the entire Constitution. If you read the Constitution, and take it literally and historically, and textually, you cannot escape the conclusion that he should be removed. The president is an officer of the United States, or alternatively, he holds an office. He did provide aid and comfort to those who were seeking to do violence to the Constitution, and he therefore gets removed. There is no requirement in the 14th Amendment that he must be convicted before that, nor is there any requirement that Congress pass some kind of action. People sue under the equal protection and due process provisions of the 14th Amendment all the time. And therefore, a direct action under Section 3 is also possible. But will this Supreme Court honestly interpret and apply the Constitution? I have my sincere doubts, and I think the best parlor game in Washington, D.C., is trying to figure out how they’re going to worm out of this or save Donald Trump.”

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