
Jesse Watters: Dems Have ‘Overplayed’ Their Hand; They’ve Made Trump a ‘Sympathetic Character’

‘They have handed this guy a huge political gift, which will last him till eternity’
By Grabien Staff


WATTERS: “And Joy Reid says he’s angry. Okay, it’s not your wedding photo, joy. He’s getting booked. This is the fourth indictment. The Democrats, you can tell, are nervous. Because the media understands how powerful imagery is. It’s their business. And they have handed this guy a huge political gift, which will last him till eternity. It’s a cultural phenomenon now. He’s banking off of it. And everyone is talking about it. Black Americans online, some of them are saying I’m voting for Trump now because they too have sometimes felt they’ve been unfairly targeted by the criminal justice system. And, you know, in this country, nationally, one or two percent of the black vote swing to the Republicans, that’s the election right there. So, the Democrats have overplayed their hand. They’ve done something that no one else has ever been able to do, and that’s make Trump a sympathetic character. They’ve made him a martyr.”

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