
Jill Wine-Banks: All the Decisions About Trump’s Eligibility ‘Have to Be Made in Time’

‘Once you get toward at least Labor Day when campaigns are really going full strain, there is not going to be able to be a federal trial’
By Grabien Staff


WINE-BANKS: "There is a policy, not a law, but a policy that says that there will not be prosecutions that might impact the trial too close to the election. So once you get toward at least Labor Day when campaigns are really going full strain, there is not going to be able to be a federal trial. So that is the outside limit. That is why all of these decisions, whether it is on immunity, or whether he’s qualified or unqualified, disqualified to be the candidate, and to be ever holding office, those decisions have to be made in time so that people are voting knowing whether he would be allowed under the Constitution to take office."

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