
Jim Acosta on Angel Moms at the W.H.: ‘These Are Parents of Victims Who Were Allegedly Killed By Undocumented Immigrants’

‘Angel moms coming in, the president will try to drum up emotional energy to try to sell the wall’
By Grabien Staff

SCIUTTO: "There is a big gap between expressing reservations about a national emergency declaration saying it is not their preference and standing up and voting against this president. Again, president just moments, perhaps seconds away from this announcement. Jim Acosta there at the Rose Garden for us. We saw people leaving the White House there with photos. Do we know who they are?"
ACOSTA: "Jim, we believe those are some of the Angel moms that the president has talked so much about on the campaign trail at rallies and so on. These are parents of victims who were allegedly killed by undocumented immigrants. The president likes to point to these folks who have been just through some terrible experiences as evidence that a wall is needed down at the border.Now of course, we have talked about this on numerous occasions. There are lots of different reasons for why there is crime committed by undocumented immigrants in this country. But of course, multiple studies have shown that undocumented immigrants commit crimes and are incarcerated at lower levels than native born Americans. The president I suspect will be drawing on that sort of emotional energy to make this announcement. Jim, we have to point out that border crossings are near historic lows right now, that most of the drugs that come in to this country go through ports of entry and so on. So the president we may be hearing and we saw this a few weeks ago when he ended the government shutdown and was talking about people coming in to the country with tape over their mouths and so on. He sort of draws on some of this anti immigration mythology to try to sell this wall on the border when we know that the facts in many cases fight against what he has to say. So I suspect Jim if we are seeing some of the Angel moms coming in the president will be try to drum up some emotional energy on this occasion,  to try to sell the wall. We have seen him do it before. Hasn't convinced the Congress, hasn't convinced the country, but it sounds like he will try to do it again.

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