
Jimmy Kimmel Uses His Show to Rally Opposition to Graham-Cassidy Health Care Bill

‘I am politicizing my son’s health problems because I have to’
By Grabien Staff


KIMMEL: "They’re counting on you to be so overwhelmed with all the information that you’ll just trust them to take care of you, but they're not taking care of you. They're taking care of the people with money, like insurance companies, and we’re all just looking at our Instagram accounts, liking things, while they’re voting on whether people can afford to keep their children alive or not. Most of the Congress people who will vote on this bill probably won’t even read it. They want to us to do the same thing. They want us to treat it like an iTunes service agreement. And this guy Bill Cassidy just lied right to my face."
[clip starts]
KIMMEL: "Do you believe that every American regardless of income should be able to get regular check-ups, maternity care, etc., all of those things that people who have health care get and need?" 
[clip ends]
KIMMEL: "So, 'yep' is Washington for no, I guess." 

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