
Joan Walsh: Women Speaking out on Sexual Assault Because of ‘Anguish’ over Trump

‘We still have to work with men on what is the right kind of apology’
By Grabien Staff


WALSH: "Oh, yeah, this is shaking loose women’s secrets and men’s too. Incredibly. I call part of the trump effect, Richard of the I do think onathe anguish of seeing Dld Trump win the presidency despite allegations by 14, 15, 16 women of these same sorts of things. I think was very devastating. And it prompted a lot more public speaking about this. Harvey Weinstein seems to have broken the dam with all of these revelations and also how disgusting and cruel they were. You know, I wanted to like Louis C.K. Apologize. The first time I read it, I think it’s important he said it’s true, and didn’t gas light these women. On the other hand he made the false claim or con congratulated himself by saying I never did this without asking the women if they wanted to see my you know what. But the women never said yes we do sir. And in one case didn’t ask. So still a weird justification going on. We still have to work with men what is the right kind of apology, just stay right out I’m so sorry for the harm I’ve caused you and help a bunch female comedians get their own show. Because I don’t think there is any space in our society that’s as sexist as a comedy room."

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