
Joe Biden Agrees Raising Taxes in Weak Economy Is Wise, Says K-Shaped Recovery Would Grow the Economy

‘You had the wealthiest billionaires in the nation, they made another $700 billion’
By Grabien Staff


BIDEN: “You had, last year, during this pandemic, you had the wealthiest billionaires in the world, and the nation, they made another $700 billion. Seven hundred billion dollars. He talks about a V-shaped recovery. It's a K-shaped recovery. If you're on the top, you're going to do very well. And the other things I'm — and if you're on the bottom or if you're in the middle or the bottom, your income is coming down. You're not getting a raise. I should — I don't know what you're doing. You may get a raise. Hope you're a billionaire, I — but — but all kidding aside, it's about growing the economy."

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