
Joe Concha Mocks Garland’s Ignorance: If Ignorance Is Bliss Then He Must Be ‘the Happiest Person on the Planet’

‘His testimony and answers this week on the Hill, they were evasive, they were condescending, they sounded like they were coming from a politician and not the top law enforcement officer in the land’
By Grabien Staff

CONCHA: "A little may be an understatement there. That was certainly some of firey back-and-forth that we saw. If ignorance is bliss by the way then Merrick Garland must be the happiest person on the planet because his testimony and answers this week on the Hill, they were evasive, they were condescending, they sounded like they were coming from a politician and not the top law enforcement officer in the land. For instance, he refused to answer any questions regarding discussions with Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, obviously, he’s leading special counsel into investigating Hunter Biden."

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