
Joe Concha Rips Chuck Todd: ‘Please Stop Lecturing Us How You’re a Journalist’ When You Are a Cheerleader ‘for the Democratic Party’

‘He’s an activist’
By Grabien Staff


CONCHA: “Chuck Todd and his wife hosted a private Hillary Clinton fundraiser at their home in Georgetown before the 2016 election. So please stop lecturing us how you're a journalist when you're really just a cheerleader for the Democratic Party. Oh, he was also a democratic staffer, Chuck Todd, by the way. So stop lecturing. Your boss is on the air. If you have a problem with his hiring, you pick up a phone, or you walk into an office, a corner office over at 30 Rock and you say, 'I have a problem with this. And this is why.' You don't publicly go out there and embarrass them. I'm sorry, if I were on that network, he's gone. That's it.”


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