
Lieberman: The Consequences of Trump Firing Mueller and Rosenstein Will Be More Harmful To Himself

‘If he fires the guy that is investigating him, it looks like he’s putting himself over the law’
By Grabien Staff


CAVUTO: "That is — let me switch gears with you. A lot continuing this after the ongoing investigation that has roped in the president’s personal lawyer in the raid of hits offices. A lot of people saying the president should fire Bob Mueller. What do you think?"
LIEBERMAN: "I heard what Jon said. I hope the president doesn’t do that because — I understand why he’s angry at Mueller. I understand why he thinks he’s being treated unfairly. But in our system, the law is above everyone, including president. If he fires the guy that is investigating him, it looks like he’s putting himself over the law."
CAVUTO: "But his point is the guy investigating him is going too far and using gestapo-like tactics to raid offices, Paul Manafort, now his personal lawyer and we’re told that he’s just —
LIEBERMAN: "I understand why. But I think the consequences of him firing Mueller may be even Rosenstein will be more harmful to himself and to our system. He’s still got the right of appeal in court and if this should ever go to an impeachment, they still have to go a majority in the house and 2/3s in the Senate. That is —"
CAVUTO: "He’s facing trouble one way or the other if it ever came to that if the Democrats were to seize the house. All bets are off. Whatever is coming on this investigation, they’re going to rake him over the coals."
LIEBERMAN: "Probably. You never know. Listen, I say this about Bob Mueller. I don’t know him real well but I know him. Certainly seems like he’s on the move in a very serious and aggressive way. But I said from the beginning. If he decides he doesn’t have enough to charge the president, he might charge somebody else or he thinks it’s improper for him as special counsel to actually charge the president of the United States —"

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