
John Bolton Warns MSNBC’s Jen Psaki: Bad Actors May ‘Already’ Be ‘Taking Advantage’ of Trump Facing $450M in Legal Damages

‘He is consumed by these troubles, his family is consumed by them’
By Grabien Staff


PSAKI: "But could foreign autocrats — I mean, they look and they target. You said he is a good target. Could they look at him and think, 'Ah! He is a good target. He owns tons of money, he's got to liquidate assets, he may not even have it?'"
BOLTON: "Yeah. I mean, I think this is one of the demonstrations of why Trump really is not fit for office. He is consumed by these troubles, his family is consumed by them. And I think foreigners will try to take advantage of it one way or another. They may be doing it already."

(Via Mediaite)

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