
John Brennan: ‘President Xi Supposedly Told President Biden That China Was Not Going to Interfere in the 2024 Election’

‘The Chinese have a lot of capability in that digital environment’
By Grabien Staff


BRENNAN: “Well, President Xi supposedly told President Biden that China was not going to interfere in the 2024 election. The Chinese have a lot of capability in that digital environment. They could engage in information operations as a way to favor some of the candidates, not just in terms of the presidential election, but also the congressional election. They’re very close observers of the U.S. political scene. And although President Xi may give the direction to Chinese security intelligence agencies not to carry out very blatant actions to interfere in the election, I could still see a lot of Chinese actors that have an interest in the outcome of our elections in November getting involved in a way with other information operations or other types of digital attacks that really could be very disruptive.”

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