
John Delaney: Medicare for All Would Cost $33 Trillion

‘It kind of takes your breath away a little bit, doesn’t it?’
By Grabien Staff

HEWITT: “What would Medicare, yeah, what would Medicare for all cost?”

DELANEY: “$33 trillion dollars.”

HEWITT: “Wow.”

DELANEY: “I know. It kind of takes your breath away a little bit, doesn’t it?”

HEWITT: “Well, does anyone in your party understand that’s not tenable? That’s 150% of the national debt.”

DELANEY: Right, listen, I don’t think, that’s a detail that a lot of people don’t focus on. You know, as I said the other night, we have to be the party that has workable solutions. We’ve got to tell people how we’re going to pay for them. And then we have to tell people how we’re going to get it done politically, right? That should be our jobs. And you know, what’s different about me is for everything I’ve proposed, I explain why it’s workable. People can disagree, but I have an opinion as to why it’s workable. I tell people how I’m going to pay for it. And I lay out how I think I can get it done politically, which as you know is incredibly hard for any of this stuff.”

(h/t Breitbart)

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