
John Kirby: Biden Absolutely Stands by His Comments, Climate Is ‘an Existential Threat’

‘It’s capable of wiping out all human life on earth over time’
By Grabien Staff


KIRBY: "The president believes wholeheartedly that climate change is an existential threat to all of human life on the planet. That's just science. That's a fact, Martha. But it doesn’t mean that we turn or back on the other challenges facing this country and our allies and partners around the world. We've got broad national security commitments, literally globally, and we have to mind all of them at the same time. You mentioned two of them. Obviously, Israel right now, certainly Ukraine over the last almost two years now. We are big enough and powerful enough and effective enough nation to be able to look after all of these disparate national security threats. And of them absolutely is climate change."

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