
Jonathan Turley: I Don’t See How Garland Could Do Anything But Prosecute Hunter Biden

‘He refused to appoint a special counsel to look into the corruption scandal’
By Grabien Staff

TURLEY: "Well, if it’s frigid now it’s going to be perfectly glacial if the house moves to hold his son in contempt. Garland is already on the record. His Department of Justice pursued those earlier cases. It just took a couple of months before Bannon went from not appearing to having an indictment. So I don’t see how Garland could do anything but prosecute Hunter Biden if the house approves a contempt resolution. But the interesting thing is that Garland did something for Biden that was invaluable. He refused to appoint a special counsel to look into the corruption scandal. Many of us have been writing for years that we can’t even imagine his Rationale. Joe Biden’s name is all over these files. There is millions of dollars going to his family. And the circle is coming closer and closer to the president, and yet Garland has simply refused to appoint a special counsel, so I think President Biden has to give more credit than he’s giving him."

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