
Jones on the Ukraine War: The Irony Here Is that the U.S. Has Lost No Soldiers

‘The costs for the U.S. is actually quite low’
By Grabien Staff

JONES: "We are not hearing from the Russian side any interest in negotiating. it’s a fools errand to push for negotiation when neither side wants it. second of all, what we are seeing is a war right now where defense has the advantage. it will be hard for the Russians to take territory quickly. those who argue the Russians are going to win this. the us had multiple charges in Afghanistan. and the Russians themselves in Afghanistan. the irony here is the us launched no soldiers, no airmen, no sailors during this war. Russians, hearing numbers of 350, 400,000 casualties. these are extraordinary, half of their tanks, the costs for the us are quite low. any us president during the cold war has the choice of rushing — weakening the Russian military."

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