
Joy Ann Reid: ‘Like Trump, Hitler Was Also Viewed as a Clown, a Goon Who Could Be Kept in Line’

‘And then there are the accommodations that the media makes with autocracy’
By Grabien Staff


REID: “Remember what Lindsay Graham tweeted back in 2016, when Trump was still an outlier in the party? I do. Quote, 'If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed. And we will deserve it.' When Trump won the White House anyway, Graham got busy reducing himself to a MAGA footstool in the U.S. Senate. Proximity to power will do that. Like Trump, Hitler was also viewed as a clown, a goon who could be kept in line. And then there are the accommodations that the media makes with autocracy. In November 1922, New York Times gave its readers their first glimpse of Hitler, it was a profile of the fascist leader's early rise in Bavaria in Germany. They got a key point very wrong, asserting that 'Hitler’s anti-Semitism was not so violent or genuine as it sounded.' Before he rose to power, Hitler staged a coup known as the Beer Hall Putsch. It was a coup that failed. Sound familiar? Hitler went to prison for it, but the failed coup set the stage for Nazi Germany. And when he was freed from prison, just over a year after the failed putsch, the Times offered this unfortunate and incorrect assessment, that Hitler had been tamed by prison. The next year, 'Mein Kampf' was published. So much of this sounds familiar.”

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