
Joy Behar Gets ‘Turned On’ by Angry Joe Biden Screaming at White House Staff

‘I like it’
By Grabien Staff


[clip starts]
KENNEDY: "Swearing at people, it's a quirk. It kind of turned me on when I heard that the president gets angry and volatile. I'm not going to lie. I'm disappointed just about every single thing he's done as president. I think he's -- he's just -- the economy is wobbling at best, that's a kind way of putting it. His foreign policy is a disaster. He has no idea what he's doing in terms of China and Ukraine. So, if he's throwing a few F-bombs, and I'm like, yeah, I kind of like it. I'm not going to lie.
[clip ends]
BEHAR: "What’s her problem?"
GOLDBERG: "I don't understand what the conversation was. I don’t know."
GRIFFIN: "I think it was someone being angry make you turned you on."
BEHAR: "She’s turned on by Biden’s anger. I am too. I like it." (Laughter)
HOSTIN: "You like it?"
BEHAR: "I do."

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