
Joyce Vance: Trump’s Argument in the Election Interference Case Is ‘He Has Immunity in Perpetuity’

‘This isn’t Joe Biden indicting Trump, it’s a grand jury that looks at the evidence and makes this decision’
By Grabien Staff


VANCE: "I think it's important to understand what the decision point is here. Trump argues that presidents are kings and that there’s no other branch of government that can look over or review his decisions, and more to the point, not his political decisions, but potentially criminal conduct for the remainder of his life -- in other words, not just for the four years that he was president, but he claims he has immunity in perpetuity. The government says this isn’t the case. Presidents don’t have immunity for criminal acts. They can be indicted like anyone else. You know, this isn’t Joe Biden indicting Trump, it’s a grand jury that looks at the evidence and makes this decision. And in any event, to the extent there is immunity while in office, it does not last forever."

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