
Judge Jeanine: Dems Want Open Borders to Get More Democratic Voters to Make Sure Trump Never Happens Again

‘The whole system is absurd’
By Grabien Staff


PIRRO: “Do you have a good laugh when you walk away from the camera, and high five your other friends I want to know, Nancy, what are you going to do? More resistance and revenge? Why are you protecting illegals over American citizens who work hard to pay taxes, that are used to feed, house, educate, provide health care, lawyers, courts, facilities, to these illegals? The whole system is absurd. It is falling apart, from chain migration to the lottery and on and on. We simply need to stop the illegals, the drugs, the sex trafficking. Going forward, from today, we need to stop everyone, period. This is effecting jobs, hospital S, classrooms, that are overcrowded in localities that simply can’t afford this. Bottom line, we can’t remove the ones in the interior but we can certainly stop the ones from coming in. No one, by the way, is getting deported. They’re being released. They pes rebeing bussed into the interior of our nation. You know, Americans believe the illegals are being sent home. They’re not. There are 1 million against whom there is a formal order of removal, and another 860,000 waiting for a decision. These people are here to stay, especially if they come with children, and we’re doing nothing more than building the next amnesty class. It is simply unsustainable. 100,000 brought in just this past month, a 12-year high. That’s what I just said, 100,000 in one month. That’s bigger than the town that I grew up in. It has to stop. This is not time for talk. Fact, 90% of the heroin brought in through the southern border is killing our kids. Fact, kids are being sex traffic ked and rape is simply ignored. Fact, transnational gangs bring in 400 pounds of fentanyl through the border, enough to kill our entire country. But you simply don’t care. You want open borders. For one reason and one reason only. To make sure you get more people here on your side to vote Democrat so you never have to worry about getting re-elected again, so that Donald Trump can never happen again and you were so blatant in your doctrine that you even admit you want them to have licenses and you want them to vote. You’re all about party, not country. Your decisions are based on politics alone and not what’s right. They are bloated with political disregard for the American people. God help the United States of America. And that’s my open. Let me know what you think on my Facebook and Twitter.”

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