
Judge Jeanine: If You Ever Questioned If Media Distorts Trump, Look No Further than Coronavirus

‘If you listen to the mainstream media, it’s time to buy the family cemetery plot’
By Grabien Staff


PIRRO: “But first my open. If you ever had a question whether the mainstream media distorts, and whips up and throws things out of focuses specially when it comes to the Trump Administration, look no further than coronavirus. If you listen to the mainstream media, it’s time to buy the family cemetery plot.”
[clip starts]
ZAKARIA: “The coronavirus outbreak has the potential to become a global pandemic.”
BEHAR: “The president is a reality show.”
O’DONNELL: “The response to the coronavirus in the United States is being led by the most incompetent and ignorant president in U.S. History.”
[clip ends]

PIRRO: “What else the down side of their doomsday reporting? The down side is predictable. When people are scared and they think it’s just a question of time before they start dropping like flies, they gone into survival Minnesota mode. They don’t — survival mode. They talk about take their children out of school, education suffers. They talk about canceling March Madness and Coachella. And they go in depression mode because their quality of life is over. A — better to trumpet than CNN. The total loss of 3,000 points over the past week on the Dow. Judge Jeanine: You want to focus on the Dow now? Where were you when the Dow and the S & P and NASDAQ repeatedly reached record highs under President Trump. You weren’t interested then. Where were you when the Dow closed as a the at a record high. Where were you when animal spirits were driving the economy to record heights. Our economy can sustain a 3,000-point drop because we are at record highs. Job numbers came out and they are beyond expectation. Long-term interest rates are plunging so people can refinance. Those who need subsidies are going to get them.”

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