
Judge Jeanine: ‘It’s Time To End the Mueller-Comey-Rosenstein Cabal for Once and for All’

‘By saying their authority is not judicially enforceable, the Mueller team is basically telling a United States federal judge that their authority cannot be challenged through the courts’
By Grabien Staff


PIRRO: "Enter judge Ellis. He tells Rosenstein’s henchmen, do you even have the power to indict manafort? Aren’t you overstepping your authority to investigate Russia collusion when you indict manafort for actions 11 years prior to the election? What does 2005 have to do with the 016 elections or the firing of James Comey? The arrogance, the Mueller team responds in an open courtroom to a federal judge. We have additional powers. We cannot disclose them in this courtroom because of an ongoing investigation and because it will affect national security. The judge suggests Mueller’s people are lying about the investigation and seeking the unfettered power to unseat our president. Using manafort to sing against Donald Trump. Quote, come on, man, you don’t care about manafort, you care about what information manafort can give you to lead to Mr. Trump and an impeachment. The Mueller team refuels to show their authority. Judge Ellis demands to see the Rosenstein secret memo, unredacted. The one that House Republicans thought for months — sought for months saying that information is that within the scope of that investigation. We don’t want anyone with unfettered powers, said the judge. The court sums up the Mueller team argument, quote, we said this is what the investigation is about but we are not bound by what we said and we are lying anyway. By saying their authority is not judicially enforceable, the Mueller team is basically telling a United States federal judge that their authority cannot be challenged through the courts. It’s time to end the mueller-comey-rosenstein cabal once and for all." 

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