
Judge Jeanine: ‘Long Past Time’ for the Clintons ‘To Start Paying for Their Wrongdoings’

‘What happens if she is elected and then indicted? Who can pardon her? Can she pardon herself?’
By Grabien Staff

First my opening statement. Jim Comey’s announcement that he would begin looking into Hillary Clinton’s e-mails after he announced on July 5th he was done with it. The most hotly contested presidential election of all time. The disgraces and politicizes the FBI. And now you know not son-in-law long standing Justice Department policy, the director of the person that he works under, the attorney general. But even more important, the most fundamental rules of fairness and impartiality. 

Ten years ago, when I was the Republican conservative candidate for New York attorney general, and the home stretch of a statewide campaign, the Justice Department and the FBI violated their own policy against making public statements that would effect an election and announce to the press that they were opening an investigation of me. It was mean-spirited, and of course, nothing came of it. Except the adverse publicity cost me at the polls. What was done to me in 2006 was wrong. 

And what happened to Hillary Clinton yesterday was equally wrong. The Justice Department and the FBI’s policy to not comment publicly about politically sensitive investigations within 60 days of an election exists for a very important reason. Announcement so close to elections have an impact. Now this nation has already gone through an exhausting and traumatic campaign season. The FBI director should not now be front and center. One of the most revered agencies in our nation’s history, now seen as putting it’s finger on the scales of justice should not now be front and center. 

So why did he do it? Some say Comey didn’t have a choice because he said to Congress that the investigation was over. Wrong. I read that testimony. Others suggest a mutiny that the FBI was under way because the investigation was never real. Maybe he feared local police involvement, the New York City R police department in the pedophile investigation on the Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner computer might have leaked that the first investigation simply was not thoroughly investigated. Maybe he felt guilty and needed an second bite of the amsz. 11 days before an election? How is it that he sends a letter to Congress? He could simply have gotten a ranking member of the committee and that member’s deputy and told him, and then said, if this gets out, I’ll know that you did it. 

But it doesn’t matter now, had Comey done his job in the first place, had he done a real investigation, had he issued one subpoena, saw one search warrant, had a grand jury be impanelled, had he and the doj not granted immunity to every Tom, dick, and Harry and Huma and everyone else that walked through his office and not destroyed the laptop of those without clearance to handle our nation’s top secrets we wouldn’t be in this mess. 

Now Hillary Hillary Clinton should have been indicted a long time ago. She and bill’s scandals have done nothing but soil this great nation’s image. It’s long past time for both of them to start paying for their wrong doings. And on tonight’s show, we’re going to talk about how the Clintons have, again, brought us to the precipice of a constitutional crisis. The reality of a presidential candidate under investigation by the FBI. And what happens if she is elected and then indicted? Who can pardon her? Can she pardon herself? And if not pardoned, can she be impeached for a crime committed before she was in office? Thanks to the Clintons, here we go again. 

And that’s my open. Tell me what you think on my Facebook page or Twitter. #Judgejeanine. And joining me now, Donald Trump’s campaign manager.

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