
Judge Jeanine: Newsom’s ‘an Autocratic, Dictatorial, Egocentric, Lying, Condescending, Self-Absorbed, Self-Righteous, Sanctimonious, Smarmy Pig’

‘You sanctimonious, lying political operative’
By Grabien Staff


PIRRO: "What's with the 'we'? 'We all faced last year. We all did. You did and I did.' You sanctimonious lying political operative. The only thing that you and the people of California have in common is your zip code. You want to know why people are recalling you? Because you're an autocratic, dictatorial, egocentric, lying, condescending, self-absorbed, self-righteous, sanctimonious, smarmy pig. In fact, you are the reason people are moving out of California in record numbers, even to the point of losing a congressional seat. We shared the stress, the fear, the anxiety. No, we didn't. You locked us down, killed businesses, killed livelihoods, closed schools and deprived children of an education, which is their constitutional right, and took away their way of life. The toll on small business owners is beyond anything we've seen in our lifetimes. The toll on our children not allowed to go to school from kindergarten through college puts them behind China and the rest of the world in the global competition.”

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