
Karine Jean-Pierre Blames Republicans for Biden’s Border Crisis

‘Do you really want to fix the immigration system?’
By Grabien Staff


JEAN-PIERRE: “The president spoke to this last week, a little bit, too. He said — you know, he — he called out — he said to House Republicans, ‘Do you really want to actually fix this problem? Do you really actually want to do the work that’s needed to deal with the issue that we’re seeing at the border? Do you really want to fix this immigration system?’ I’m adding on to what the president said. But that’s a question for House Republicans. I think we have proven, Republicans in the Senate, and Democrats in the Senate, have proven that we actually want to work on this issue, on this broken system, and so, look, if they are real about this, if they want to fix this problem, then they would get involved. They would get involved. But they haven’t, right?”


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