
Kasich on Trump: ‘Now We Have a Leader Who Is Either Unable or Unwilling To Unite the Country’

‘John McCain, no matter what position he took always figured out a way to build a bridge’
By Grabien Staff

MARGARET BRENNAN: One of the attendees at Saturday's memorial service for John McCain here in Washington was Ohio Republican Governor John Kasich. He joins me here. Thank you for coming in. I know you were there at the memorial service. Something that Senator McCain thought through, he planned--

GOVERNOR JOHN KASICH (R-Ohio/@JohnKasich): Absolutely. Unbelievable.

MARGARET BRENNAN: --he orchestrated every little bit of it. What do you think his message was?

GOVERNOR JOHN KASICH: Come together. Have guts. Stand up. You know, I mean, that's the thing about John. John was so comfortable with himself. Leaders walk a lonely road. And John did not like people that did this-- put their finger in the air and get the wind. He was-- he was so comfortable with himself. And it really didn't matter to him who he was going to have to take on or what cause he was going to go for. If he felt it in his bones, in his heart, and his soul then he went forward and I think that was the message.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Meghan McCain, his daughter, delivered a really moving--

GOVERNOR JOHN KASICH: She made me cry.

MARGARET BRENNAN: She made you cry.

GOVERNOR JOHN KASICH: She made me cry for two reasons. One was the deep love she had for her father. And, you know, the other thing that made me cry? The deep love that sometimes girls have for their daddies. And I've got two little girls that are-- they're not little anymore. They're in college. And I---- it just brought everything home. She was-- she was just incredible. And--

MARGARET BRENNAN: She's her father's daughter. She was strong in her words.

GOVERNOR JOHN KASICH: Well, this-- yes, yes.

MARGARET BRENNAN: And it was clear who she was speaking about.

GOVERNOR JOHN KASICH: John McCain, no matter what position he took always figured out a way to build a bridge. And now we have a leader who is either unable or unwilling to unite the country and at the same time to be able to use this-- the strength, the strength of America, whether it's the economic, whether it's the military, or the political strength to make the world a better place. To use our leadership to raise the bar to get to a better place in the world and that-- these are the things that frustrated John that we were not unified.

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