
Kathleen Rice on Pelosi: It’s Time for People to Know When To Go

‘This is not anything personal between me and Nancy Pelosi’
By Grabien Staff


RICE: "Look, politics is a rough business, Chris. You know that given your personal history. But you can't -- you have to -- you can't take things personally, OK? And -- and, by the way, let me say, this is not personal -- anything personal between me and Nancy Pelosi. I have enormous respect for her. She has been a great leader. But like every leader, in time immemorial, it's time for people to know when to go. And sometimes it's hard to get people who are in power, who are used to that, to say, you know what, I need to step back and do what's best for this party. I'm sure that Nancy Pelosi believes that she is the one that can lead this party. I happen to have a different opinion. And I think it's important for people in my position to not be afraid, to speak truth to power. And this is, again, not personal. I want to get back into the majority so we can protect working people, we can protect the middle class, and we can have a future for our children." 

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