
Kellyanne Conway to CNN’s Stelter: ‘Stop Being Jealous of Fox News, Brian’

‘It would help if you drop the jealousy a little bit about Fox News’
By Grabien Staff


STELTER: "The American people are not giving him credit, according to the polls."
CONWAY: "Yes, they are. It depends how you ask the question. You have the voice going through your promos saying CNN, the most trusted name in news, what evidence do you have of that? I've seen polling numbers to the contrary."
STELTER: "You're talking about CNN instead of President Trump?"
CONWAY: "I'm happy to talk about President Trump. You interrupted me because I was going through what CNN refuses to cover about President Trump which is the economic Boone on his watch as president."
STELTER: "The economy is covered every day."
CONWAY: "That's not true. You just want to argue because you say facts first so I'm giving you the facts about the stock market, the 1.5 million jobs created."
STELTER: "I appreciate that but I asked about President Trump's credibility and how the white House is repairing the credibility crises."
CONWAY: "That's what you call it. Here's the deal. The credibility crises exists in the other party now. I just cannot believe the bombshell that Donna Brazile has launched where she says she was dealing with three, quote, titanic egos, President Obama, Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz."
STELTER: "She lied and it was revealed that CNN fired her for giving debate questions to Hillary Clinton. I'm not here to ask you about Donna Brazile."
CONWAY: "That's very unkind to Donna Brazile. She saw what we saw which is a lack of enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton. She was worried, rightfully so, that the polls were wrong, including CNN's polling. I know you fired your Polster since."
STELTER: "I'm here to ask about President Trump, not Hillary Clinton. Do your internal polls deal with historically low approval ratings?"
CONWAY: "I'm telling you about the numbers that matter to Americans."
STELTER: "The approval ratings are shockingly low. It's a problem not just for you and me but for the nation that this president is not trusted by the American people."
CONWAY: "That's wrong. You know what's a problem for this nation, that you refuse -- CNN used to be a place where people can tune in and get the news all day long. Now they get spin and people's opinions. CNN should own it. Why not say it's in our commercial interest at CNN to be anti-Trump. We're profitable if we're against the president, most of our viewers are against the president. Just own it. Don't you think that would be more profitable for CNN?"
STELTER: "I guess you just want everybody to be like Fox News, state-run media."
CONWAY: "Stop being jealous of Fox News, Brian, and their ratings. It would help if you drop the jealousy a little bit about Fox News. The fact is that we need a media that covers the facts. If consumer confidence is at a 17-year high, that's relevant to the forgotten man or woman that Donna Brazile admits was being ignored."
STELTER: "It's like a doctor walks in and says you have cancer and it's spreading throughout your body but the good news is your legs and feet still work. It's great that I can walk but I want to treat the cancer, Kellyanne, and that's why I'm asking about his historical low approval ratings."

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