
Ken Buck Says McCarthy ‘Doesn’t Even Know How to Spell the Word Conservative’

‘I voted against Kevin McCarthy for speaker for one set of reasons’
By Grabien Staff


BUCK: "Yeah, so I was frustrated with Kevin McCarthy because for nine months we haven’t brought 12 appropriations bills. We should have been bringing those bills to the floor May, June and July. This has nothing to do with agreeing to — I had a good laugh. I’ve had a lot of criticism since the time I’ve been here, for 9 years, but when Kevin McCarthy said that those eight aren't conservative, a guy from California who doesn’t even know how to spell the word 'conservative' is saying that I’m not conservative, that’s humorous. I’m sorry, but I voted against Kevin McCarthy for speaker for one set of reasons, the Democrats voted against him for another set of reasons. That doesn’t mean we agreed on the reasons. And that’s often what happens with bipartisan legislation."

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