
Kerry: ‘Nearly 90,000’ Israelis Have Moved into What ‘Would Be the Future Palestinian State’

‘The population of these distant settlements has grown by 20,000 just since 2009’
By Grabien Staff

KERRY: "The settler population in the West Bank alone, not including east Jerusalem, has increased by nearly 270,000 since Oslo, including 100,000 just since 2009 when President Obama's term began. There is no point in pretending that these are just enlarged settlement blocs. Nearly 90,000 settlers are living east of the separation barrier that was created by Israel itself in the middle of what, by any reasonable definition, would be the future Palestinian state. The population of these distant settlements has grown by 20,000 just since 2009. In fact, just recently the government approved a significant new settlement well east of the barrier, closer to Jordan than to Israel. What does that say to Palestinians in particular but also to the United States and the world about Israel's intentions?"

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