
Kevin Hassett on Whether 4 More Years of Bidenomics Can Be Afforded: ‘We Absolutely Cannot’

‘He’s depressed revenue and make the debt situation worse’
By Grabien Staff

HASSETT: "You know we absolutely cannot the thing the you mention. The tax is up the good he’s proposing because he’s increase spending so much if you go back to pre pandemic what they thought we would spend in the? U s. This year was about a whole trillion dollars less than what we’re actually spending, and so by economics, is basically taking the emergency covert spending and then wasting it on green new deals and everything else forever and ever so right. Now the CBS projects that dead in the? U has got to go from 20 six trillion. Forty nine trillion over the next 10 years, because of this runaway spending, and rather than address the problem, he’s proposing another tax cut, their tax hike, that’s not going to work! In fact, tax revenue is of since before that Trump tax cuts, because the laffer curve works and so he’s going to have the opposite effect. He’s got depressed revenue and make the debt situation worse."

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