
Kimmel: Trump’s Health-Care Op-Ed ‘Really Makes Me Mad’

‘Donald Trump was in fake news today with midterm elections less than a month away’
By Grabien Staff


KIMMEL: "Donald Trump was in fake news today with midterm elections less than a month away. The president wrote an op-ed in this morning's edition of "Usa Today." Are any of you staying at a holiday inn express and maybe you saw it? This op-ed really makes me mad. In it trump blasts what he calls the Democrats' Medicare for all really truly outrageously claiming that he kept a promise to protect coverage for those with pre-existing conditions. He wrote, as a candidate I promised that we would protect coverage for patients with pre-existing conditions and create new health care insurance options that would lower premiums. I have kept that promise. And we are now seeing health insurance premiums coming down. You didn't keep that promise, that promise was forced on you because John McCain gave you the finger and so you weren't able to not keep that promise. That's not keeping a promise. And yes, rates will go down in some states but they would have gone down even further in all states if you and your buddies hadn't spent the last year trying to cripple the plan you have now. This is claiming you saved people from drowning after you put a hole in the side of the ship. It's another lie.”

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