
Kinzinger Blasts Kari Lake, Charlie Kirk, Fox News: ‘Shame on You’ for Blaming Biden First for Mistaken Terrorist Attack

‘You are a terrible American’
By Grabien Staff


KINZINGER: “But secondly, this, like, bridge incident today, and then Kari Lake, Charlie Kirk, Fox News, whoever, jumps to this thing about, 'This is definitely a terrorist attack.' And it's not a terrorist attack. Kari Lake said, 'This is all Joe Biden.' You know, Charlie Kirk, 'All Joe Biden.' So shame on everybody else, Kari Lake, Charlie Kirk, probably a million others in Fox News who are jumping on this. And then lastly, double shame on those that, instead of taking this moment, if you thought it was a terrorist attack, and saying, 'We're praying for those involved, our country needs to fight back,' the first thing you do is go after Joe Biden. You are a terrible American, honestly, if your first thing is not to go after anybody that did a potential terrorist attack, but to go after the president because, I don't know, you can make money on the internet and you're a grifting clown. So shame on all of you who did that. And the internet doesn't forget, and I sure hope it doesn't forget this one.”

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