
Kirby Shrugs Off the Cocaine Scandal: ‘I Can’t Really Speak to the Investigation that Was Done by the Secret Service’

‘They just were not able to come up with any forensic evidence’
By Grabien Staff


KIRBY: “Well, again, I can’t really speak to the investigation that was done by the Secret Service. They did the best they could do to track down how it got there and who might have belonged to, and they were just — were not able to come up with any forensic evidence that proves it. But, of course, look, we take this seriously. It’s not the kind of thing we want to see happen. Now, it did happen in a visitor’s lobby area just outside the main West Wing, so it was a highly trafficked area. We’re going to take a look at how that happened and obviously, if there’s things we can do to prevent that in the future, certainly we will do that. Nobody’s happy about this.”

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