
KJP Stumped: Why Isn’t It ‘Racist’ for Biden to Threaten to Close Border?

‘I don’t want to get ahead of the conversations’
By Grabien Staff

(Via Breitbart)

REPORTER: “Back in the winter of 2018 and the spring of 2019, President Trump vowed to shut down the border with Mexico, using almost the identical language that the president used on Friday. Many — many, if not most — if not practically all Democrats called that ‘xenophobic’ and even ‘racist.’ Why shouldn’t people make the same conclusion about this president’s threat to shut down the entire border with Mexico?”
JEAN-PIERRE: “So, we believe the new enforcement tools that currently don’t exist, that will be — we believe that will be part of this bipartisan agreement — will be fair. We believe it’ll be — yes, it’ll be tough, but it will be fair.”


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