
Kornacki: George Will ‘Doesn’t Have His Finger’ on Pulse of the Conservative Movement

‘The Trump message, the message that worked in the primaries and the message that got him elected, that won those places in Michigan, in Wisconsin, in Pennsylvania, was a bad luck message’
By Grabien Staff

KORNACKI: "And the reason that Donald Trump is president-elect right now, will be president on January 20th, is because he went into places in places like Mahoning County, OH, Youngstown. This is an ancestrally Democratic place. These are not the old conservatives who George Will was talking about. These are not the conservatives who rallied around Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp 30-40 years ago. These are people who used to be Democrats. These are workers. These are laid-off workers. These are blue collar people and they’re the people who rallied around Donald Trump. And I think one of the revelations of the campaign of the last year and a half of politics is when this campaign started we used to look to people like George Will to say what is the pulse of the Republican Party, what is the pulse of the conservative movement, and what we found out is George Will doesn’t have his fingers on it anymore.”

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