
Krauthammer on North Korea: ‘The Audience for This Is Not the Regime in North Korea, It’s China’

‘China are the ones who would be moved by either of those threats and they are the key’
By Grabien Staff


KRAUTHAMMER: "Yes, when you say nothing is off the table, he hasn't said anything new. When you add which he did the era of strategic patients is over, that was the theme of the Obama Administration, perhaps you might even say the bush Administration, strategic patients meaning the regime is doomed, the cat it can sustain itself, were going to wait, were not going to go to war, were not going to threaten. The Regina understood that and they have therefore pushed ahead. When we say that era is over, that means only two things. Either were going to advocate or support denuclearization of South Korea and Japan, or we are going to shoot them down or hit their basis. End of the audience for this is not the regime in North Korea, it's China. China are the ones who would be moved by either of those threats and they are the key. I think that is a real shift in our policy, it's going to have many effects. It's going to be that rather than what we've done for the last eight years."

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