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Krauthammer: Rand Paul’s Right, the GOP Bill Is ObamaCare Lite

‘I’m willing to admit it — Ryan and the others aren’t’
By Grabien Staff

KRAUTHAMMER: "I think it is a helpful message, and I think the message here is not the mechanics of reconciliation. The central issue is, I think Rand Paul is right. This is, in a sense, ObamaCare lite. I’m willing to admit it. Ryan and the others aren't. In fact, his history has moved since 2010, the Republicans denounced the new deal, Eisenhower comes into office in 1953, and they don’t touch an element of it. Social Security remains intact. They were not suicidal, they lived to govern another day. You cannot retract an entitlement once it has been granted. That is the genius of the left. There is no country in the west that has developed national health insurance and then revoked it despite all the problems."

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