
Krauthammer: We’re Going to Reach a Point Where We Have a Binary Choice, War or Accept Nuclear N. Korea

‘Our interests are radically different from the Chinese and Russians’
By Grabien Staff


KRAUTHAMMER: "I don’t think it would make a difference if we were in charge of the Security Council. If we had the president, it would make no difference whatsoever. For the Russians, it’s in balance, asymmetry of interest. Our interests are radically different from the Chinese and Russians. For 25 years, we have refused to accept that. The fact is, the others don’t care. The missiles launched by Pyongyang are never headed west. They are always headed east, always headed our way. Everybody understands what the target is. Either we are going to act on our own which is what the president says he will do or, and we are approaching the point, were going to have to accept a nuclear North Korea the same way that under Mao tse-tung who was a fairly radical anti-american communist and we accept the fact that China went nuclear as well. A certain point, you you bow to reality and try to live in deterrence. It’s not easy, it’s uncomfortable but I think were going to reach that point where either it’s going to be a binary choice for you go to war or you accept a nuclear North Korea."

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