
Larry Elder: Putting Maxine Waters in Charge of the Financial Services Committee Like Putting Michael Moore in Charge of the ATF

‘During the financial services meltdown, she had a meeting with the Secretary of Treasury, Hank Paulson, and did not inform him she and her husband had a financial interest in banks she sought to bail out’
By Grabien Staff


ELDER: “During the financial services meltdown, she had a meeting with the Secretary of Treasury, Hank Paulson, and did not inform him that she and her husband had a financial interest in banks that she sought money to bail out. She was brought up on ethics commission, ethics inquiry. It collapsed because she pulled the race card and the -- the inquiry just went -- went supernova. She also has routinely been voted one of the most ethically challenged members of Congress by a left wing ethics group. So putting Maxine Waters in charge of the House Financial Services Committee, Ashley, in my opinion, is sort of like putting Michael Moore in charge of the ATF.” (Laughter)

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