
Lemire: Polling Suggests Biden’s Support in South Carolina Is Slipping So He’ll Bring White Supremacy in His Today’s Speech

‘It’s also a place where President Biden is really going to try to hone his pitch to black voters again’
By Grabien Staff


LEMIRE: “Polling suggests that his support there has really slipped. And perhaps one of his top allies is Congressman Jim Clyburn, who of course, it was his endorsement back in 2020, that kind of opened the door for Biden's nomination. And Clyburn gave an interview over the weekend, where he acknowledged he is, quote, 'very concerned about President Biden's standing with black voters.' He went on to say that though he thinks the president has done a good job, quote, 'my problem is that we have not been able to break through the MAGA wall in order to get to people exactly what this president has done.' And I think even Joe Biden's staunchest supporters will acknowledge there's been a real communication breakdown, that his team and the president himself have struggled selling his accomplishments. Now, that said he was clear-eyed and forceful on Friday. And I suspect we will hear the more from the same today, Reverent Al, because this is a -- this is a demographic, voters of color, particularly black voters, he simply can't afford to lose.”


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