
Levin: Merrick Garland Is ‘Flat out a Serial Liar’

‘He knows it’
By Grabien Staff


LEVIN: "My reaction as a former chief of staff to an attorney general who handled an awful lot of big-time cases is that he’s a liar. He’s not just a liar, he’s a serial liar. The idea that the attorney general of the United States watches television, sees a deal break down in front of a judge, doesn’t say to the head of the Criminal Division or the Public Integrity Division or his deputy attorney general or associate attorney general, 'I need to be briefed on this, especially before I'll go into this hostile committee that’s controlled by the Republicans in the House Judiciary Committee,' the idea that he doesn’t know what’s taking place with Joe Biden, with Hunter Biden, with Donald Trump, he is a flat-out, serial liar. He knows it, I know it, and anybody who ever served as an attorney general or chief of staff to an attorney general knows it.”

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